Wednesday, May 19, 2010

un petit sac

justified the purchase by telling myself i could use it for work...


...but i think it might be too pretty for a work bag!


Martin Margiela Line 4 button-down shirt (old, from; Current/Elliot jeans (old, from Intermix warehouse sale/NYC - did they stop having those? i bought so much great stuff over the years!); Tod's patent leather loafers (from Woodbury Commons outlet store); Mulberry "Alexa" bag (secondhand)


  1. so pretty.
    love vintage or at least items that seem quite old.
    love it.

  2. so cute! I was thinking about getting one too but I don't think it suits me...

    I've been wondering when they're going to have the next intermix sale too... they are seriously the best!

  3. OMG! It's soo pretty! And it looks wonderful on you!

  4. I love it! The Alexa has been on my list of potentials for a brown bag, it seems really functional.

  5. It works for work. It's just a pretty work bag...seriously :)

  6. Love the bag! Can't believe it's secondhand as well, it looks new!

  7. Ooh, very pretty. Just make sure to use it often, for work or not.

  8. Great bag.It looks good on you! :)

  9. It's a perfect workbag! And all of the men you work with won't know it's a "nice" bag so they won't give you grief like women might.

  10. wow. so good. definitely a good work bag. but i carry anything to work!
    i meant i was JEALOUS of your small feet. because sure enough, all the small sizes are left come clearance time.
    beautiful shoes. they look great on you. good color fo rsummer.

  11. Second hand already? Wow! It's such a new style, you're incredibly lucky to have found it. x

  12. I've been eyeing the Alexa in navy for a while. Good choice- for work or not!

  13. I would find any justification possible for that bag :) It`s a classic with a twist, very lovely :)

  14. Love your red shoes! Do you pair them with skirt? or is it appropriate to wear them with skirt/ dress? (knee length). I am thinking hard to get a pair of shoes like yours.

  15. ahhh you got it!! i wanted that bag for sooo long. it's gorgeous!! :)

    i'm pretty sure an intermix sample sale should be coming up. they have the best stuff. i even go twice sometimes since they mark down everything the last couple of days!

    btw- we should meet up again. i'm moving back to ny :( we need to catch up!! :)

  16. great bag. the way you've styled it adds so much more to it (i was so-so on the alexa bag before).

    i don't know what's going on with the intermix warehouse sale. they didn't have one this past feb. and i was sad b/c i needed new jeans. hope the $19 bottoms last fall wasn't their last hurrah so to speak.

  17. I think it's perfect for everyday and almost every occasion :) I'm sure you did a great purchase!

  18. Soo jealous you got the mulberry 'alexa' bag, espeically used!! how did you find it?!

  19. LOVE this bag so much!! i think it would be fine for work, or any occasion really. i just tortured myself deciding between this and the ps1. i ended up with a ps1. maybe we can do a swapping time share on them :) ~joelle

  20. looks great and love it with your outfit..
